"Architecture is the will of an epoch translated into space." -Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

"Architecture is the will of an epoch translated into space." -Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

Saint Peter's Basilica, Vatican City, Rome, Italy. Principal design by: Michelangelo, Donato Bramante, Carlo Maderno and Gian Lorenzo Bernini.

Saint Peter's Basilica, Vatican City, Rome, Italy. Principal design by: Michelangelo, Donato Bramante, Carlo Maderno and Gian Lorenzo Bernini.

~Ana Livingston, Fine Artist & Muralist

"The Responsibility of Artists" by Ana Livingston Fine Artist

"The reality is that artists have a gigantic hand in injecting
the beauty and vitality we all enjoy in present day life.
I wrote an article about this very subject: the role of the
artist in society and how their creative impact is broad and deep.

"Without the beauty continually brought into being by the many
players in the various genres of art, this world would be a dull
soulless place. My personal role and responsibility as an artist
is to not only create beautiful work that uplifts others, but to
also actively support my fellow artists.

"Art is my job, my life and my love,and I wouldn’t have it any other way."

~Ana Livingston, Fine Artist

Day Two: The Grapefruit Mural, Clearwater, Florida: Adding Layers of Paint

Second day at the two-panel Grapefruit Mural. No refinement as yet; just applied some bright colors. At least they're pretty blobs now. :) I'll be back at it tomorrow!

Close-up of applying a second layer. I am primarily left-handed, but when it comes to painting I am ambidextrous.

Over the next couple of days I will be refining the shapes while adding more layers. Thanks for your interest!


Carnevale di Venezia! (Carnival of Venice) – A Short History

It has been said that the first documented use of masks in Venice dates back to the 13th century. In subsequent years, Carnevale evolved into a mass celebration where, being anonymous, one was not judged by their social standing. The result was that all classes could freely and joyously interact.

Masks were later banned in the 1930′s under the ruling Fascist party, but Carnevale was given the breath of life a handful of decades later by a group of local artisans in the late 1970′s.

The Italian government quickly fell in step and now showcases this vibrant and very popular festival each year.

One of the most prized awards during the carnival is “the most beautiful mask” or la maschera più bella.

Carnevale di Venezia is one of the top festivals world-wide, drawing up to an estimated 100,000 participants and spectators each year.

Ciao for now, Venezia! I will see you next year!


To My Friends and Loved Ones on Valentine's Day

Today I hope we all take an extra moment and let the people we care about know how truly important they are to us; how they brighten our days and enrich our lives; how they make this journey called life so very worthwhile.

I’m wishing you all a wonderful day of love, admiration and respect, as each of you is important to me. :)

