Hearty THANK YOU to my Current Art Supporters on Patreon!


Hello! I recently created a "Support-An-Artist" page on the crowd-funding website Patreon*, and I'm here to thank those who have already made pledges to me and my art! I appreciate you all SO much for having faith in my artistic goals!

My heartfelt thanks to:

Mariah June

Ian Phoenix

Jeremiah Schwartz

Vivian Samuel

Megan Crew

Mike Cooney

For more information about PATREON, MY ART GOALS, as well as MY PATREON PAGE, please click the images below!

*What IS Patreon?

*What IS Patreon?

Ana's Patreon Page!

Ana's Patreon Page!

Ana's Artistic Goals!

Ana's Artistic Goals!

If you are interested in supporting me in my artistic journey, Patreon pledges begin at only $1/month! Or you may use the secure payment site STRIPE to make a one-time donation:

Pledges start at as little as $1/month!

Pledges start at as little as $1/month!

OR donation through the secure payment site, STRIPE:


You have my unending thanks!
